Thomas Scott on his Dort translation philosophy

Some info on translating the Dort documents from the original latin into English:

"In translating this history, and the other documents which I now lay before the public, I make no pretensions to any thing beyond fairness and exactness in giving the meaning of the original. Had I been disposed to aim at it I do not think myself competent to the office of translating in such a manner as to invest the Latin fairly and fully, with the entire idiom of the English language; but I have, even by design, confined myself more closely to literal translation than I should have done, in an attempt less connected with controversy; and have often declined giving a more approved English word or expression, when I feared it might be suspected of not exactly conveying the sense of the original. 

Indeed, as far as it could be made consistent with perspicuity, I have rather preserved than shunned the Latin idiom, where any doubt could remain as to the idea which the writers intended to convey. And when, after all, I had any apprehension that I had not fully accomplished this, I have given in a parenthesis the Latin word, that the reader may judge for himself. In other places, a parenthesis often contains a word not found in the Latin, but useful in elucidating the meaning. My sole desire has been, to render the whole clearly understood by the English reader; and to call the attention of pious and reflecting persons to a part of ecclesiastical history, which I am confident has been generally less known, and more grossly misrepresented by some and mistaken by others, than any other part whatever has been; but which, I am also persuaded, is peculiarly replete with important useful instruction, especially to zealous Calvinists who may here learn in what a guarded and holy, and practical manner these generally reprobated theologians stated and defended their tenets; and on what grounds, exclusively scriptural, they rested them" (Thomas Scott).